The WTVFC was formed in July of 1970 and has been proudly serving the township for the past 52 years. The dedicated men and women of the fire company provide many services to the community. In addition to providing fire protection, we provide:
- Motor vehicle rescue
- Rough terrain rescue
- Fire safety training during fire prevention week
- The banquet Hall serves as a disaster relief shelter
- Assistance during time of flooding and disasters
When requested, the members of the WTVFC provide mutual aid to the neighboring communities. We not only provide manpower, but WTVFC also has a tanker to assist with water supply and a cascade system to provide refilling of air tanks at the fire scene.
“Loyalty to Our Duty”
Fund Raising Activities
- Annual Sportsmans Bonanza
- Annual Fund raising Mail Campaign
- Comedy Night
- Craft Fairs
- Car Shows
- Pancake Breakfast
- Check Facebook for current events.